Programming is important!

We’ll be using three languages:

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Why do we need to program?

  • You can handle bigger projects and more data through automation and logic.
  • This is the standard way that serious web mapping and web GIS is done.
  • It looks great on your resume!

Workflow for this class


  • HyperText Markup Language
    • Files sent from servers to personal computers
    • They tell the computer things like what to display or where to get data
  • HTML elements tell us things about where text should go, how it should be displayed, if an image should be centered
    • We express HTML elements through HTML tags
      • <html> ... </html>


  • Cascading Style Sheet
    • “Style sheet” code used to style the content of a web page.
    • Interacts with HTML and describes how things should be sized, coloured, etc.
      • Can be more complicated
  • Helps separate the website content from website styling
    • Reduces repetition if you have multiple HTML docs


  • The de facto lingua franca of the world wide web
  • Controls the behaviour of a webpage
    • HTML and CSS just describe
  • Javascript is a programming language
    • Conditional statements
    • Logic
    • Looping
    • Data manipulation/handling