
When we add a layer to the map using the map.addLayer method, we have the ability to filter which parts of the spatial data are shown.

We’ll be using older filter expressions:

But Mapbox has recently rolled out “new” expressions … probably best to learn these - but I didn’t have time before lecture!:

For vector tiles:

filter: [<LOGIC>,<ATTRIBUTENAME>, <value>] 
  • Logic: ‘==’, ‘!=‘, ‘>’, ‘<’, ‘≥’, etc.
  • Attribute name: the name of an attribute your file has – check studio
  • Value: can be a string, numeric, boolean

For example:

‘filter’: [“>”, “income”, 100000] 

Translates to:

income > 100000

What if we want two conditions

  • spatial objects with a property > x but < y
  • Use the combining filter method:

  [">", population, 100000],
  ["<=", population, 2000000]

How do we combine different types of logic?

Combining Filters

["all", f0, ..., fn] logical AND: f0 ∧ ... ∧ fn
["any", f0, ..., fn] logical OR: f0 ∨ ... ∨ fn
["none", f0, ..., fn] logical NOR: ¬f0 ∧ ... ∧ ¬fn

Where f0 is a filter that looks like:

[logic, attribute, value]